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Zimra and Taxes

Capital Gains Tax and Zimra Interviews

In order for a property to be transferred from a seller to a buyer, the seller and buyer have to attend a ZIMRA Interview to obtain a Capital Gains Tax Clearance.

Zimra Interview

  • Held at Kurima House, Nelson Mandela Avenue
  • The Estate Agent will arrange an interview time for buyer and seller to meet at ZIMRA Office.
  • The Estate Agent will have all your necessary documents and copies for the ZIMRA Official.
  • NB All names on the Title Deed have to attend this interview and produce their original IDs plus photocopy. The Seller must also produce 2 x utility bills.

Capital Gains Tax

  • The Finance Act of 2009 states that CGT levied on the gain arising from disposal of immovable property etc. will calculated at 20% of the gain.
  • A property bought before February 2009 will pay CGT of 5% of the selling price.
  • No CGT is charged when a seller spends all the proceeds from the sale of the principal residence on buying a new principal primary residence.
  • A person aged 55 or above is not charged CGT on selling a principal primary residence.


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