Auctioneers — Since 1911
34 Josiah Chinamano Road, Belmont, Bulawayo
Tel: 0772 953 497 / 0772 968 208
Website: www.hollandsck.co.zw
Tel: 0772 953 497 / 0772 968 208
Website: www.hollandsck.co.zw
Duly instructed by the Sheriff Services of Zimbabwe, the following IMMOVEABLE properties will be sold by Public Auction on Friday 8th November 2024 at 10.00 a.m. at No. 34 Josiah Chinamano Road, Belmont, Bulawayo.
Sale 1:
SB: 580/24: Kreamorn Investments (Pvt) Ltd vs Ignite Mine Solutions (Pvt) Ltd: A Certain piece of land being Stand 58 Sunninghill Township 4 of Willsgrove situate in the District of Bulawayo on 4048 sq.m (a.k.a No 58 Peach Road, Manlands, Byo)
Improvements: A dwelling built of plastered and painted brick walls under a tiled roof, staff quarters, fenced, walled and hedged (could not gain access).
Sale 2: SB: 926/24: Untu Capital vs Thomas Chiyamakobvu & Another: A Certain piece of land situate in the district of Byo called Stand 10503 Byo T/ship Lands on 1041 sq.m (a.k.a No. No. 5 Stratford Rd, Southworld, Byo)
Improvements: A dwelling built of plastered and painted brick walls under a roof of corrugated asbestos sheet (could not gain access to the main house) one room cottage built of durawall under asbestos sheets, one room staff quarters with toilet and shower, borehole, fowl run, jojo-tank, walled to all boundaries and gated.
NB* Conditions of Sale regarding the above sale are available on our website: www.hollandsck.co.zw
WhatsApp 0772 953497 / 0772 968208
WhatsApp 0772 953497 / 0772 968208
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