Bulawayo Immovable Auction Friday 7 June 2019

Duly instructed by the Messenger of the Court (Bulawayo & Districts), we shall sell by Public Auction Immovable Properties on
Date: Friday 7 June 2019
Time: 10.00 a.m.
Venue: 34 Josiah Chinamano, Belmont, Bulawayo.

7030/2013: Rejoice Mabika (Plaintiff) Vs Brian Vambe (Defendant): Certain piece of land being Stand 9592 Byo T/ship of BTL (a.k.a No. 7 Irvine Rd, Bradfield, Byo) on 843 sq.m Improvements: A dwelling of plastered and painted brick walls under a tiled roof with 3 beds, lounge, dining, kitchen, single stuff quarters, disused s/pool, carport, walled & gated.

2325/2015: Wilbert Kachere & Another (Plaintiff) Vs Lucia Takadiyi (Defendant): – A certain piece of land being Stand 3266 Byo T/ship of Stand 9999 Byo T/Ship Lands (a.k.a No. 1 Investone Rd, Queenspark East, Byo) measuring 1 244 sq.m. Improvements: A dwelling built of plastered and painted brick walls under a roof corrugated asbestos sheets comprising of 3 beds, kitchen, lounge single stuff quarters. Walled and gated.

3130/2013: FBC Bank Ltd Vs Thabo Ncube: Certain piece of land being Stand 12851 Byo T/ship (a.k.a No. 2 Shore Close, Sunnyside, Byo) on 796 sq.m: Improvements: a dwelling built of brick walls under a tiled roof. Double lock up garage, staff quarters, stone walled and gated. Could not gain access.

3625/2016: Caleb Mhlanga & 3 Others (Plaintiff) Vs Clayton Zana (Defendant): Certain piece of land being Stand 8200 Pumula Township of Hyde Park Estate (a.k.a No. 8200 Pumula East, Byo) on 233sq.m Improvements: A semi-detached dwelling built of plastered and painted brick walls under a roof of corrugated asbestos sheets fenced, hedged and gated. Access denied.

577/2014: Untu Micro Finance (Plaintiff) vs Alfred Moyo (Defendant): Stand 5732 Cowdray Park T/ship of Hellensvale Block (a.k.a. 5732 Cowdray Park, Byo) on 450sq.m: Improvements: A dwelling built of plastered brick walls under a roof of corrugated asbestos sheets walled and gated. Could not gain access.

6149/2014: Untu Micro Finance (Plaintiff) vs Bob Tasangana (Defendant) :Undivided 9.18% share being share No.7 in a certain piece of land situated in the district of Byo called Subdivision ‘A’ of Stand 156 Byo T/ship on 694 sq.m (a.k.a No. Flat 7 Modern Building, JNM Nkomo St /14th Ave, Byo). Improvements: 2 beds, lounge, kitchen on ground floor.

23562/2013: Untu Micro Finance (Plaintiff) Vs Andrew Chinamasa (Defendant): – A certain piece of land being Subdivision B of Subdivision 4 of Willsgrove (a.k.a No. 6 Moorecroft Rd, Waterford, Byo) measuring 8048 sq.m. Improvements: A dwelling built of exposed face bricks under a tiled roof (could not gain access to main house), exposed face brick walls cottage under a corrugated roofing sheets, p/p staff quarters, p/p store room, borehole, walled to 3 sides, fenced and gated.

$10 000.00 Security Deposit refundable non highest bidders.
Only catalogue holders are allowed into the auction room. Catalogues are obtained at a non-refundable $350.00.

Trust account Details: CK Hollands T/A Hollands
Trust Account: Nedbank Mutare
Branch: 51031006347

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